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Member Benefits

Discounted registration

Discounted registration to all Drama NSW professional learning events, including free attendance to selected professional learning opportunities.

Regular publications

Regular Drama NSW publications including: Bi-annual e-publication ‘Drama NSW E-news’ and Bi-annual journal ‘JEDA’

Members only content

Access to members only sections of our website containing resources, articles and previous publications.

Instant affiliate membership

Instant affiliate membership to Drama Australia, the National Association of Drama Education.

Access to Advocacy for Drama Education

Access to Advocacy for Drama Education at a state and national level by representing NSW perspectives in curriculum development and reform.

Who is membership suited for?

Content for

Drama Specialists & Creative Arts

Working as

Teachers / Pre-service Teachers

University Students / Academics

Lecturers & Researchers

Heads of Department / Head Teachers

Curriculum Coordinators

Teacher Librarians

You might also consider actively contributing to the Drama NSW community by joining the Committee, publishing an article or research in our Journal, website or e-news or presenting your work at a conference or professional learning event!

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